Tikkun (Social Action) (1)

You Perform Mitzvahs Big & Small, Every Day 

SEPTEMBER xx, 2014

Make a difference in the community. Projects will benefit at-risk youth, the working poor, US military servicemen and women overseas, the hungry, home-bound seniors and a native plant garden! We need you there!!!


Save a Life. Give Blood. October xx, 201x

Book your appointment and to learn about important requirements for a successful blood donation. If you have traveled or started taking a new medication please check the website before signing up.

Someone’s life depends on someone else’s donation. Sign up TODAY.

Seasonal Activities

Holy Day Hunger Project – Food Drive for the Pantry Door



Storefront Teen Emergency Night Shelter

Prepare and enjoy breakfast with homeless and at-risk teens. 
First and Third Sunday each month.
Contact Guy to volunteer and/or donate breakfast supplies.


10 Things Kids Can Do To Help The Environment

1. Bike or walk whenever possible

2. Recycle

3. Turn off lights when not in use

4. Don’t litter

5. Take a shower instead of a bath to conserve water

6. Plant a tree

7. Create a wildlife habitat by building a birdhouse for your yard

8. Turn off electronic when not in use

9. Turn the water off while you brush your teeth

10. Ride the school bus to school


Our Congregation provides its members with many opportunities for social action. Our programs benefit women’s and teen shelters, foster children and homeless veterans, the homebound and the hungry. By reaching out to people in need, we not only help to repair the world, but also strengthen our Jewish identity and provide an important example of our values for our children.


  • Hand Up Food Pantry and Military Base Basket Distribution
  • Mighty Mitzvah Sunday
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Women’s shelter meals
  • Helping homeless veterans
  • Mazon (an organization that aids the needy)

In addition volunteers are appreciated to help our Mitvah Committee with Hesed activities such as assisting at time of death and illness, arranging transportation etc.